
What Is Juvéderm?

If you’ve noticed fine lines on your face and you’d rather not have them (we get it!), you may have researched possible treatments. Enter dermal fillers, which have seen a huge surge in popularity in recent years (the global dermal fillers market was valued at $2.84 billion in 2020).
One such dermal filler is Juvéderm — a facial filler that plumps up the skin to remove wrinkles. Read on and we’ll explain everything you need to know about Juvéderm so you can decide if it’s the right treatment for you.Jeuveau may cause serious side effects that can be life threatening, including problems swallowing, speaking, or breathing.
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Typical treatment area for Juvéderm Ultra XC injections

  • Lips
  • Cheeks
  • Lips and Vertical lip lines
  • Parentheses lines and wrinkles around the nose and mouth

Plan Ahead

  • Appointment required.
  • Must sign waiver.

Additional Info

Cosmetic fillers, including Juvederm, are subject to total sales tax of 8.375% that customers must pay as a separate transaction with the merchant directly. Juvederm is a registered trademark of Allergan Holdings France SAS.